Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Oak Class 2024-2025


Autumn 1

Oak Class has had an exciting and busy half term. We have been learning about the topic of Ancient Greece. On our topic day, the children learned about some of the remarkable discoveries made by the Greeks, explored the significance of ancient vases, and even tasted a selection of traditional Greek foods. This half term the whole class also had the fantastic opportunity to participate in the EKO STEM Robotics Workshop, where they built and coded robots to complete a range of challenges linked to STEM themes. In addition, Year 6 took part in Oldbury’s STEM morning, showcasing their skills by building plane structures. Both the girls' and boys' football teams put in outstanding performances in their tournaments, proudly reaching the semi-finals. They all represented the school well when completing the activities. Oak have enjoyed PE this half term, we have been developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Bennett, we have also been fortunate to have Kidderminster Harriers in which all the children have developed their football skills.