Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Oak 2021-2022



We have been busy in Oak class this term.

Summer Term 2022

This term our Topic is ' Victorian England'


For our Victorian themed day, we held a vintage marble tournament – which was won by Zack . We had time to build small model bridges inspired by Victorian engineers of Kingdom Isambard Brunel and George Stephenson. We even had time to make a refreshing lemonade; Victorian style by squeezing lemons by hand. Additionally, we had time to practise our copperplate writing and be grateful that modern styles are much simpler.

A fun day by all – thank you for your hard work in supporting with such great costumes to set the day off with such a bang.





Spring Term


This March Oak have visited the Country Park to explore the water cycle and practice their orienteering skills. Taught by local ranger Ed, the children learnt how rivers start in the mountains, and their journey into the oceans. On the second visit they were taught map reading skills – including contour lines and symbols – before then completing an orienteering challenge around the entire site.  

Thank you to everyone involved who helped to make it such an enjoyable experience. 

This Term in Oak our new topic is 'Mountains and the Wider World'. On Topic day the children made some fantastic model mountains and explored for clues in our scavenger hunt.

In P.E Our specialist P.E teacher from Oldbury Wells has been teaching us the Haka the famous tribal dance from the Māori culture.


In maths we have introduced Times Table Rock Stars if you go to the following website your child will be able to log on using their details.  https://ttrockstars.com/


What a busy and fun week for Oak out at the Pioneer.

We had a brilliant time running, climbing, jumping, falling, bouncing and rolling in the mud. I think sleeping was the only activity we had to cut back on.

Please find a sample of photos attached, more will be shared in a few weeks at our class assembly. 

It was a privilege to go, I hope you feel very proud of how well your child adapted and thrived.




We attended Oldbury Wells Health and Wellbeing Morning where were met by Mr Tristham - the Headteacher - and given a brilliant welcome. Mr Smith - Head of year 7 - then showed to a science lab where we tested foods for traces of starch and fats before mapping out a balanced diet. In the second half of the morning we went to the sports hall to learn circuit training in P.E and try samples from the Oldbury Wells canteen

Sports ambassadors have also been over at Oldbury practising learning new skills ready to organise and run school PE events after half term. 

 We have been learning how to visualise colours in our music lessons as well, with different tempos representing different colours and lights. 


 Last week the school councils served lunch to the rest of the children in the class which was a success. “It was really fun to decide the food for others, I would like to do it again.” Said school council Stanley, Year 6. 


Topic Day

Thank you to all the family members that helped to contribute to such clever and creative outfits that brought our day to life.From using chopstick skills, writing with Mandarin letters, art designs and model kites, it has been a busy day.
We have had an experience of different skills that other cultures experience everyday, and I really enjoyed it.

What a fantastic start to the school year.
A very proud  Mr Smith

In a busy first week back, everyone has written a mythical story and been learning the place value of larger numbers. As well as this, we have had time to learn the differences between communism and democracy, which led nicely into our class council votes.

We have also met Miss Beamond and had a successful start to her new Tuesday PE lessons.


Thanks everyone and keep up the hard work.

Mr Smith