Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Home Learning

Home Learning

During the first week of Summer Term each class has started their new topic! The home learning packs, received by children each Monday were full of home learning activities themed around the new topic. We have been delighted with the home learning updates on Tapestry (which is now being used by pupils throughout school).

Oak Class have begun a Victorians topic. We have already seen some impressive suspension bridge models and fantastic Victorian diaries.

Elm Class have enjoyed starting their Pre-Historic World topic, which began with children creating timelines to show how long ago the first dinosaurs evolved! Some children have also created dinosaur lands and enjoyed researching.

The topic for Cedar Class this term is Holiday! Children have started the topic by thinking about where they live, they have loved exploring their local area on Google Earth and have sent Miss Underhill some lovely postcards to share news from the Easter holidays.

In EYFS the Summer topic is ‘We’re Going on a Journey’. For the first half term the topic will be based around stories which have a journey through the Forest. This week began with a class favourite – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Children have enjoyed creating their own bear hunts and their own bear dens, as well as going on other hunts for bugs, numbers, sounds and more!


Please click here to see our home learning pages and for more updates from each class.