Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Elm 2020-2021

Elm class had a wonderful day at the Severn Valley Country Park on Friday 25th June. We started off our visit by learning a bit of history about the country park and how miners used to work there a long time ago. We then looked at the different type of rock which can be found at the park before doing some fossil hunting! The children really enjoyed this activity and were fascinated by the different types of fossils and rocks in the local area. After having some lunch and playtime, we then went on to do some pond dipping at the park. The children managed to catch lots of different creatures with their fishing nets including tadpoles, newts, fish and lots of different insects! After that we enjoyed a nice walk back to school. The children had a fantastic day and they showed exemplary behaviour throughout the day – a real credit to themselves and to Alveley Primary School. Well done Elm class!

Elm Topic Day

We have had such a lovely smarties day to celebrate our chocolate topic in Elm class! We have completed lots of fun activities which have included some Maths activities using smarties, using the colour and shapes of smarties to create artwork and we also enjoyed a smarties picnic at the end of the day. A fantastic day - well done Elm class! 😊


Chocolate Science

Elm class have been inspired by their Summer term topic 'Chocolate'. After designing some delicious looking chocolate bars they have created their own persuasive advertising posters.



Our New focus this term is Pirates

In Elm class this term we have been learning about Pirates. We have researched pirates before writing our own stories. In maths we have created our very own pirate maps before completing a treasure hunt in forest school. Elm class thoroughly enjoyed Pirate day on Wednesday. Children created their own pirate hats and then made tin foil boats. The highlight of the day was a boat race, followed by a pirate picnic!The children all looked amazing in their costumes. "  Mrs Langton and Miss Thompson


We've had a wonderful first day back at school. The children all seemed to have had a great time! We played some games, did a fun maths activity and launched our new Pirates topic with a treasure hunt at Forest School.



Spring Term Topic 2021 is 'The Mayans'. Please click here to view our class updates on the Elm Home learning page.

What an exciting start to the new school year we have had in Elm class! This week, we have started our Rainforest topic and we have thought carefully about all of the things we might be able to see, hear, touch and smell if we were in an actual rainforest! We have also looked at where in the world rainforests are located and what type of animals are found in rainforests.


In Maths, we have been working super hard in our lessons on place value. So far, we have looked at how to read and write large numbers, comparing and ordering large numbers and finding 10, 100 and 1000 more or less then a given number!


We have also had our first forest school of the year in Elm class and during our session outside, we explored the forest to see which areas would make a great shelter in a rainforest.


What a fantastic time we have all had learning about the rainforest in Elm class during the autumn term! To finish our topic, the children have completed some persuasive writing about how we can help to protect the rainforest and prevent deforestation. The children have also enjoyed some fantastic creative projects during our topic, including; rainforest animal art, making poison dart frog bean bags and building their own rainforest homes using sticks. We have loved learning about the rainforest!


We added the poison dart frogs on our classroom display!

Building rainforest homes, we were challenged to use the sticks to create a home for a rainforest animal!