Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Beech 2023-2024


Spring 2

This half term in EYFS we have explored the theme of” farms”. We have enjoyed looking at wheat and reading The Little Red Hen, making our own farms using small world toys, and looking at different types of farms around the world in our Understanding the World sessions. We discovered there are cucumber farms and rice farms! We turned our role play area into a farmhouse and farm shop and enjoyed pretending to buy farm produce.

To finish our topic, we had a special trip to the local shop to buy some foods which are produced by farms or from farm products-milk, butter, eggs, bread and vegetables. We wrote a shopping list to take with us and all went around the shop together to find everything on our list. We paid at the till, waited for our receipt and then the very kind shopkeeper gave us some sweets to share as we had been so good doing our shopping! When we went back to school, we made toast with the bread and had a glass of milk with it.


Spring 1

Little Squirrels Nursey and Reception have enjoyed learning all about Space during this last half term. They have learnt the names of some of the planets, imagined what it would be like to live in Space and thought about what they may find if they visited another planet. The children in Little Squirrels used their imagination to draw and create their own aliens, whilst the children in reception used their literacy skills to write about what they thought space would be like.

We all enjoyed a trip to Alveley Old Chapel Tea Rooms where we were welcomed with a tea party to enjoy whilst listening to the story 'Tea Time in Space'.


This term we have enjoyed our topic of Traditional Tales. We have explored stories including The little red Hen, The Gingerbread man and Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We have made our own bread like the Little Red Hen and baked gingerbread men to eat too. We had a wonderful trip to the Chapel tearooms where we met Grandma from Little red riding Hood! She read us a lovely story and we had some squash and cakes before we went back to school. On the way we, looked out for the Big Bad Wolf hiding in the bushes! When we read the story of Goldilocks we decided to make our own porridge to taste, and design our own toppings for Baby Bears porridge. In literacy we wrote sorry letters from Goldilocks to the 3 Bears and our own recipes for gingerbread men. Towards Christmas we started practising our Nativity and learnt new songs and all enjoyed dressing up to perform for our families and friends at the church.